BTV | review| 09 September 2023
Ara Malikian and his striptease for the soul
When you are a string in the hands of a good force. When the instrument is a string in your hands. When the body is a string. Then it's easy. Or at least it seems easy - to be alive in the fire. To be Ara Malikian...

Impressio | review | 05 September 2023
The tender beast of the violin: Ara Malikian in Plovdiv
Intense, magical and funny - that's what he is. He grabs us in its melodic labyrinth and does not let us go until the very end, when our souls and hearts are in true rapture...

BTV | interview | 14 March 2020
The Unknown: Ara Malikian - Garage Stories ( part 1)
Georgi Toshev meets us with the unique violin virtuoso Ara Malikian...

BTV | interview | 14 март 2020
The Unknown: Ara Malikian - Garage Stories ( part 2)
Georgi Toshev meets us with the unique violin virtuoso Ara Malikian...

BTV | interview | 18 May 2021
Ara Malikian touched our most tender chords...
The world-famous violinist guests on the Nikolaos Tsitiridis Show. In the conversation, he shares how he managed to make over a hundred concerts during the pandemic. Ara also tells why he took up the violin and how he played in a garage during the Libya war...

offnews.bg | review | 18 May 2021
Ara Malikian - the storyteller with a violin
At exactly 8 p.m., the lights went out in Hall 1 of the National Palace of Culture. There was the sound of a violin. The eastern modes, the deep sonority covered the whole hall. And Ara came on stage. With that cult hairdo of his, with leather pants and tattoos - everything you don't imagine when you hear the word "violinist"...

BTV News | review | 18 May 2021
Ara Malikian - A leap to space
Ara Malikyan - the Lebanese with Armenian origin and Spanish soul, was in Sofia again. And in two days, he managed to shake the audience in Hall 1 of the NDK four times. And the name Royal Garage Tour itself - phenomenally combining absurd eclecticism can give an idea of what happened on stage...

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